Saturday, 5 May 2012

Love in poetry

Yes I know everyone has read or tried writing some love poetry, "Roses are red, violets are blue" and the like, but love gets into poetry in all sorts of ways. One of my poems that I always think of love when reading was so insulting to the person it was directed at, but I still class it as a love poem. It isn't soppy at all, or even romantic I think, but it was one of the poems I wrote when I was refusing to recognise love or symptoms which might have been it. In fact I was pretty much telling a guy to sod off when I wrote it, and when I asked if he could spot the three things I called him in it.  This is what I thought it was like when I wrote it
except I was just one person as the greens and the guy was the white. Read the poem and see what you think.
the Dance
Amazing feeling appears,
Love in my heart for all,
And joy in all I do.
Is this true love?
The music starts,
The light appears,
And now I know,
The stage is set.
If I know this 
The dance will start,
Exhilaration begins,
But where's the stage?
 The playground is my stage,
My boys are the audience,
But something's weird,
An extra has weaved itself in.
Now I see the extra,
A block between me and my boys,
Fighting for the end,
Winning my rule, my boys.

Friday, 4 May 2012

Poetry Facts on Me

There have been too many anecdotes and random other topics on this page since it was started so how about me just saying a few random facts about me:

  1. I am Rebecca Lara Biggins
  2. I started a poem diary on the 14th August 2009
  3. I am now on my 3rd notebook to be used as a poem diary
  4. I have no idea how many poems I have written, or if I still have the ones I like best
  5. the best poem I wrote I think was in primary school and has been lost now
  6. I like trying to imitate the poets I read but with my own twist on their styles.
  7. I'm currently into writing short poems, about 4 lines, but wish I had inspiration for longer ones.
  8. Religions and beliefs affect me a lot
  9. This was started as a project for citizenship class, now I just like writing random stuff so I'll continue
  10. I write stories currently one called Lowlaine's Field has my friends interest but haven't added to it for a week or so.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Trees Being Cut down- Original Poem

A couple of days back I posted about trees getting cut down on Watermead Park and wrote a new poem about it since I couldn't find the oringinal. Here's the original poem now;
Day after day, I pass here,
Day after day, I love the view,
And now you are ruining it,
Spoiling the glimpse.
Don't forget the trees tear,
Then never forget what is true.
Never stop seeing the games you quit,
The hunting for a better spy hole.

Day after day, I rest on this bench,
Dad after day, I am chilled by admiration,
For the beauty of natures life,
The beauty you will murder.
Souly to get an easier wrench,
You bring destruction without emotion.

Thursday, 26 April 2012

View points

Everyone sees the world differently. and I like to think of that in my poems, or try to make people look beneath the surface, like this ones tries to do:
Look at me,
But do not see.
Watch the tale,
I will tell thee.

The most painful emotion,
or strongest devoution,
Which inspires any story
And effects all commotion.

Everyone has expeirience,
Some thought of what will commence,
So think it isn't as you suppose,
Before continueing reading hence.

Suppose we could be controlled,
Or every action patrolled,
No thought allowed to come to be,
No action before it is enrolled.

Now see that tale once again,
Without a thought back of the sane,
And that emotion we all know,
Such sadness happened in that lane.

Rememberance Day Poem

It was actually written in a food tech lesson during the last rememberance day. That was the lesson the silence took place in for me, and while we were silent I started writing this poem, Just thought you'd like to read it.
They went and went,
And evermore did fight,
While they fought for truth and life,
We stayed behind and worked through strife.
The soldiers died for me and you,
After hearing lies, I wish were true.
But now to heaven, they do live,
After giving all they had to give.
Remember all they tried to do,
In those wars from hatreds pew.

Trees being Cut down.

There are lots of things that people are passionate about, and one of the things that I love in the world is my walks to and from college through Watermead Park. Unfortunatly there is always a lot of litter just thrown into the canal which I have to ignore because before and after college I don't have the time to spare for litter picking, particularly litter picking things that could potentially be dangerous. So any readers of this I would ask to take all their litter home and if any reader lives in a narrow boat could they dispose of their bags of rubbish properly, rather than throwing them into the canals, as I have seen evidence of on my walks.
However, it's not seeing litter spoiling the area which really annoys me. It is the fact that trees get cut down in watermead park, to my knowledge with very little cause or reason for the destruction of the trees. When it first happened a year ago, I assumed that the trees were being cut back to creat more views of the lakes, but then this year the people cutting the trees down would have done it in the same place again this year, rather than two new areas which were already beautiful. I was hurt when they did it the first time, this year, I can see that people are using the areas while they are cutting trees back, but only for fishing. Surely a park doesn't need people to fish when it's already lovely for walkers and dog owners, and families and cycleists.
I wrote a poem about it when I first encountered people doing this,but I don't have it in front of me and can only remember a bit of it. But I'll write a new one similar to the first;
Everyday, I pass here,
Everday enjoying the view,
And now you think to destroy it, True?
Remove the fun games of spotting the lake,
Destroying the homes of birds and creatures,
For a reason unknown to me.
Everyday I pause to enjoy,
Look at the views and wildlife,
Watch the world go by, until you came,
Now it's the spring, season of birth,
And you come uprooting trees from the earth,
Cutting and burning,
is there any point to this hurting?

Monday, 23 April 2012

Proctor and Gamble- Animal Testing

I've gone to church every week all my life, and taken quite an active part as I can. When I was still one of the Sunday School class we did a yearly service to mark the anniversery of the sunday school, usually based on a bible story as you might guess, but one of the ones I was unable to attend, was one the older kids, including me, Becca C and Alex, were asked to write a five minute talk about something that was wrong with the world.
I've known for a long time that the company of Proctor and Gamble, makers of Pringles, Purina, Iams, Ariel, Lenor and Heads and Sholders brands, test their soap based products on animals, particularly dogs. They keep these animals in appaling conditions and for my 5 minute talk for sunday school I decided to write on this. But instead of writing a long talk on how they should not test on animals or keep them in such poor conditions, I decided to write two poems, which I thought would get the attention of the congregation and make them think. I think I've managed to lose these poems now, which is quite a sad thing for me because I enjoyed writing the poems and hope that they had some effect on the people.
I've already said that I couldn't be at the anniversery service for that year, because I had dance competitions, which I had to make a priority (much to the anger of Angela, the sunday school teacher), so Josh read it in church instead of me.

Starting to Love Poetry.

Most people I meet think that poetry is boring, or just a song that hasn't been good enough to put music too, but I love the rythm that poems can have. For a long time I have enjoyed both reading and writing, and I think there's always been some part of me that enjoys the rythm of it when poetry is read aloud, but I only started enjoying poetry in primary school. Ms Neil my teacher for year 3 and 4 has been one of the favourite teachers I've had since she taught me for the first time and it was in her lessons that I first wrote poetry, unfortunatly however it was a P.E lesson and I had left my kit at home. There were another two girls who had also forgotten their kit, but they forgot their kits regularly. Ms Neil set them to write a story about how they could be punished for forgetting their kit, but she only asked me to write a poem. In half the lesson I had finished and was sat watching the class doing P.E, and the other girls were finished soon after, so Ms Neil asked for our work back, and I glimsped their work too. My poem looked like it was longer than either of their stories, and I seemed to have enjoyed the lesson more than either of them.
This may be a random story for my first blog, but it's the origins of why this is on poetry, and now I will write a poem on just about anything that happens to me, or I find out about. Reading this you might think that I class myself as a poet, and sometimes I do, but most of the time I just think I'm just another person who enjoys writing poetry. I don't know how many poems I have written now, but I started writing a poem a day on the 14th August 2009, and still continue to do so, as well as writing any poem that jumps into my head throughout the day.